
A Mother & Adult Daughter Retreat in Mt. Shasta

Mother’s Day Weekend, May 9-11, 2025

There is a clarion call on the wind…

Now is the time, like none other, to enter into a state of Grace to clear and remember why we have chosen to be here, in this remarkable time in her-story!

What would it be like to meet your mother, or to meet your adult daughter, right where she is? Can you imagine standing before one another, and choosing to co-create with her the next chapter of your lives together, Woman to Woman? And, in doing the good work of non-judgment and deep listening to one another, you will know the sacred mother-daughter bond is strengthening.

The women of the Wayseers Evolution, Kate Cavanaugh and Michelle Ericksen, want you to know that all this - and so much more -is possible when you bring your attention and intention to our Divine Gathering at the foot of this sacred mountain. For when we reclaim, heal, and renew our closest family relation, that of the Mother-Daughter, we are healing the generations.

It is time to mirror one another’s Divine Essence. We are all here to evolve. To grow. To thrive. We are here to let go of all that no longer serves us. What would life be like if we could release the old stories that have been keeping us from our true healing and becoming fully self-actualized? Arm in arm, the mothers and daughters of Grace will experience this heart-opening process together.

Come, join us in this safe and beautiful container to open to a fresh new beginning together in this present moment.

  • You deeply long to share a profound and intimate Mother-Daughter experience.

  • You crave authentic and collaborative relationships with other women.

  • You desire to step forward into your true nature of joy and delight.

  • You feel called to engage in women’s sacred ceremonies in the lush forests of Mt. Shasta.

    Download these heart-full letters to invite your mother or daughter.

This retreat is for you IF…

Heart-expanding Celebration

Intimate Connections

Gorgeous Food & Beverage